The True Meaning of 2012 – John Perkins

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Part Two of the Prophets Conference Interviews

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John Perkins & The True Meaning of 2012

John Perkins is former chief economist at a major international consulting firm. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Hoodwinked and has written many books about the Maya and other indigenous cultures, including Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, Psychonavigation, and Spirit of the Shuar, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. John is one of the world’s foremost authorities on shamanism. Trained since 1968 to bring ancient wisdom to the contemporary world, he leads tours to the Amazon, Andes, and Himalayas. He is also founder of Dream Change, a worldwide grassroots movement of people from diverse cultures and backgrounds dedicated to shifting consciousness and promoting sustainable lifestyles.


The movie “2012” has generated a tsunami of controversy over an ancient Mayan prophecy. We can thank Hollywood for stirring up our interest. Perhaps we needed a film loaded with global destruction and special effects to awaken our collective consciousness to this time of transformation. However, the theater version misses the true meaning of the message those great mathematicians and visionaries intended us to hear all those many centuries ago.

Although there are many different interpretations of this prophecy, the one most widely accepted by the Maya teachers I know is taken from the Popul Vuh, the Mayan creation myth. Far from predicting a Hollywood-style doomsday, it holds out the possibility of positive transformation. In its simplest form, the people overthrow an egotistical regime characterized by exploitation and deception and replace it with an enlightened and compassionate one. In the process, the people have to surrender their own egos and endure material and environmental hardships.

John’s book HOODWINKED explores the deep underlying causes of the events that have now sent the U.S. and the entire planet spiraling toward the very things the Maya foretold – economic and environmental collapse – and what we must do to reverse this process.

We have indeed entered a critical time in human history. A tsunami is rapidly building on the horizon. Every person on earth is connected like never before, through the Internet and cell phones. Most of us have come to understand that we are perched on a shore that is threatened by a mounting wave of economic and environmental disaster.

We have only three years left until December 21, 2012. Whether or not you believe in this Mayan prophecy, we can all agree that we must turn things around. We must abandon our gluttonous, exploitative ways in favor of lifestyles and systems that will bequeath to our children and grandchildren a world they will want to inhabit. By definition, we simply must become sustainable.

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