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Catherine Roscoe Barr
About Catherine Roscoe Barr
Catherine Roscoe Barr, BSc Neuroscience, is a Vancouver-based wellness coach, certified as a personal trainer, fitness instructor and older adult specialist, and fitness, food and travel writer, published in the Vancouver Sun, The Province, BC Business, WestJet’s up!, Westworld, Real Weddings, Homes & Living and BC Living. Before settling on the West Coast she lived in Sydney, Toronto, Oregon, Montana, and practically everywhere in Alberta. She can be found jogging with her adorable dog, dining with her fabulous husband or voraciously reading anywhere comfy.
Website: | Twitter: @LifeDelish
In over 31 years of practice, Dr. Jonn Matsen has seen more than 43,000 patients Dr. Matsen is the author of three books and also has an introductory DVD In his spare time, Dr. Matsen does volunteer work for The Squamish UPCOMING EVENT!
The Wellness Show (Vancouver Convention Centre)
Address: 1055 Canada Place Catherine will emcee Living Well Seminar Stage
Dr. Matsen will offer free seminars during The Wellness Show Feb 14 – 16 During his lecture Dr. Matsen |
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