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It’s official! If you haven’t heard yet, on Thursday, Feb. 19th from 12:00 noon- 1:00 pm in Vancouver, renowned Peace musician and bestselling author of The Moses Code, James Twyman and Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith (as seen on Oprah 2 weeks ago and The Secret) will be 2 of 4 World Spiritual Leaders to lead a peace circle in Vancouver, BC, Canada! Please let ALL your friends know about this event (Free and Open to the Public) that will honour the Oneness and Divinity of all, and raise consciousness through sacred music and prayers for world peace. Let us know if you can make it – the more people, the more the vibration of love and peace and unity will reach out in ALL directions. (Location Jericho Beach, green space closest to water, near Jericho Sailing Club!)
The event will also feature Sufi Master, As-Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi, and First Nations Singer/Songwriter Leonard Howell, as well as the sacred drumming of Joseph “Pepe”Danza!
Please Confirm Your Attendance by e-mailing:
For more information:

Thanks for the following supporters:
o Bob Lewis – One Step, The Walk for Family Peace:
o Eric Hellman – Spirit at Work:
o The Questers:
o Sacred Journeys:
o BellaSpark Productions:
o Friends to Mankind:
o World Peace Flame:
o Conscious Living Radio:
o Silbury school Society:
o The Sufi Meditation Centre:
o Multifaith Action Society:
o Be the Change:
o Global Coherence Initiative:
o Clear Mind Institute:
o Centre for Spiritual Living Vancouver:
o Vancouver Noetic Science Group:
o Kelly Legare
Todd Lorentz is a philosopher, esotericist and global activist who combines practical humanitarian work, global social and economic reform, and academic study in the areas of philosophy, social justice, metaphysics and religion to present a unique perspective on the events unfolding in the world today. Lorentz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Honours Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Alberta. He has published articles on topics ranging from Buddhism and quantum physics to religion, spirituality and global economic reform.
Todd dedicates much of his time working with a variety of non-profit organizations both in Canada and the United States. He one of the founding members and Information Coordinator for the Centre for Global Negotiations <> promoting the Brandt Commission Report of 1980 and the development of a Global Marshal Plan for world economic and social reform. In 2006, he founded a Canadian charity called One Childs Village: A Global Orphans Foundation. As Managing Director, his present work in Kenya focuses on supporting the needs of HIV/AIDS orphans <>.
Free talk in Vancouver:
“What the World Needs Now: A
Blueprint for a New Economic Reality”
Thursday, February 12, 7pm, YWCA
Hotel (Canfor Room)
Sponsored by Tara Canada <>
FREE lecture
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