Where After: Where Do Our Loved Ones Go After They Die? with Mariel Forde Clarke 

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Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they speak with Mariel Forde Clarke ( Galway, Ireland), the author of Where After: Where Do Our Loved Ones Go After They Die?  This incredible book covers afterlife experience, the soul’s journey, after-death communication and her own near-death experience in 1992. Join us as we delve deep into life after death after her own near-death experience. Where – do our loved ones go – After they die? This question has traversed the universe for centuries and is considered one of Life’s greatest mysteries.

Talking points:

What is unique about Where after – and how does it differ from others in terms of science, medicine and spirituality?

What is your evidence to support your belief in the Afterlife?

Can you explain the concept of Near-death Experiences, otherwise known as NDE’s?

Could you please share your own Near-death experience?

Explain the term “Life Review” my whole life flashed before my eyes.

Do you have to be religious to believe in an Afterlife?

Explain “After Death Communication” through dreams, and visitations / and how is this possible? Heavenly signs that your loved one is trying to contact you?

Explain what The Soul Journey / Soul loss/ fragmentation is?

Over the years, you have facilitated many workshops on Death and Dying; what would you say is the most common “Fear” that presents itself in these settings?

What is the purpose of forgiveness and the healing power of Love?

What does Where after tell us about the effect of the grieving process on children and coping with grief?

How is Where after consoling for family/survivors of suicide/trauma/loss?

How do you bring closure to the loss of someone or is there such a thing?

Where can people read Where after and how can people contact you

You can watch the interview live here:


Where After Where Do Our Loved Ones Go After They Die?

Mariel Forde Clarke 

September 1st 2021

A journey that will compel readers to view life after death in a completely different way.

Where – do our loved ones go – After they die? This is the question that has traversed the universe for centuries and is considered one of life’s greatest mysteries. While many of the world’s renowned philosophers, scientists, theorists, doctors, and great mystics endorsed the existence of the afterlife, no one book has been available to explore it all, until now.

Mariel Forde Clarke asserts that whether you believe in God or heaven, you can be comforted by the sense that an afterlife exists beyond the realm of one’s physical comprehension. Drawing on the findings of patients who have had near-death experiences and visions and on those of renowned scientists and doctors, Clarke helps the reader chart the journey of the soul and navigate their grief.

BOOK LINK: https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/6th-books/our-books/where-after

I strongly commend this beautiful, wise, touching and profound book as a companion on your journey – David Lorimer, Programme Director /Editor, Paradigm Explorer


About Mariel Forde Clarke 

Since her own near-death experience in 1992, Mariel has dedicated her life to exploring the mystery of life and death. She has studied many cultures where the afterlife is considered our true home. From the various research gleaned, she now understands that a belief in an afterlife determines and impacts on how one grieves. Anecdotal evidence from many of her workshops showed a prevailing common theme. Participants who believe in an afterlife manage their grieving process in a healthier and more integrative way. For others, the afterlife is of no concern, with death being the cessation of all life and communication.


Your Host(s)

Tasha Simms M.A. M.P.C.A

Tasha SimmsTasha is a Registered Professional Counsellor and holds a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology. Her private practice is in downtown Vancouver where she works with both couples and individuals. www.AuthenticSelfCounselling.com
Tasha loves designing and facilitating personal growth workshops for diverse groups and businesses. She weaves her skills as a working actor, writer and motivational speaker with her creative, body centered therapeutic approach to teach passionate expression and acceptance of the Authentic Self. Her focus on healthy communication and conscious leadership inspires individuals, couples and organizations to be the best they can be and flourish.
Trained in a variety of disciplines including Family Systems Theory, Gestalt, as well as cognitive and Psycho/Spiritual orientations, she has been practicing the principles of A Course in Miracles for over 20 years. She is known as a mentor with integrity who has taught many individuals as well as counsellors, locally and internationally to embrace their birthright of a life of passionate purpose, joyfully human yet in perfect alignment with their spirit.      As a certified Master Neuro Linguistic Programming facilitator trained in body work, energy healing and hypnotherapy, her contribution to support this integration is an audio series called Body Awareness Training.


The training includes a sensory meditation designed to wake up feelings in the body, encourage self –knowledge and acceptance and also to invite a deep experience of the Divine Essence that is at the core of us all. Tasha’s curiosity, compassion and juicy celebration of life are just some of the gifts she brings to her commitment to be of service.

Her history in radio makes co-hosting at Conscious Living Radio feel like coming home. Tasha was one of the first female DJ’s on-air in Canada in the mid-day spot in rock n roll radio at Q-107 FM Toronto.


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