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Modern Western medicine does perform miracles. We are exceptionally good at acute-care. Events or illnesses that would easily have killed you a few hundred years ago are simple day procedures now or easily contained with quick procedures, like gallbladder surgery, appendix surgery, dilating a blood clot or even preventing progression of a heart attack or stroke. These are literally modern-day miracles. You are able to walk out of the hospital without any symptoms in a matter of hours or, at worst, a few days.
If we are so good at dealing with all these issues why are we failing so dismally at prolonging quality of life or life expectancy on a worldwide scale?The devil is in the details my friends. Where Western medicine falls short is its inability to effectively prevent and manage chronic illness and non-communicable diseases.
Dr Christian Turbide is one of Canada’s leading experts in digestive disease.
He is a practicing clinician at The Foothills Hospital where patients often wait 8 months or more to consult with him.
Frustrated with the limitations of Western medicine, Dr Turbide now urges his patients to take a more holistic approach to their health, including the principles of nutrition, exercise and community as well as medical intervention.
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