Cannabis and Spirituality – with Stephen Gray

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In this week’s Cannabis special, we also have the pleasure of speaking with Stephen Gray on the topic of Cannabis and Spirituality, recognizing that cannabis is a spirit plant medicine.

The cannabis plant is far older than Homo sapiens and has been with us from our beginnings. It’s the “people’s plant,” with a wide variety of uses. One of the most ancient, beneficial, but poorly understood of those uses is cannabis’ remarkable potential as a spiritual ally when properly understood and used as a sacred plant medicine. Stephen will discuss the various factors involved in this understanding and how we can re-honour and re-establsh our connection with our ancient ally in the spiritual awakening journey.

Stephen Gray has traveled spiritual pathways for nearly half a century. He has worked extensively with Tibetan Buddhism as a student and instructor as well as with several sacramental medicine traditions. He is a teacher, ceremony leader, writer, conference organizer, musician, and photographer. Stephen is the author of Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality(John Hunt Publishing, 2010) and the editor and one of 18 contributors to Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer’s Guide to an Ancient Plant Spirit Ally (Inner Traditions/Park Street Press, 2017).

If you would  like to know more about Stephen, his work and offerings, please visit:

For the past 7 years Stephen has also been co-organizer of the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, now in its 8th year and scheduled for this Nov. 2-4 at UBC with a remarkable international group of leading voices representing the medicines.

For all the details about his remarkable event please visit

“Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment.” – Rumi

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