Decoding the Mystery – Sri and Kira

Decoding the Mystery – Sri and Kira

On the cutting edge of the Soul Evolution, they are considered the foremost authorities on 2012, Archangelic communications, Self-Ascension, and Atlantis. Sri and Kira boldly answer the tough questions and offer a fresh perspective that is a rare treat ..

You are loved as you Are – Panache Desai

You are loved as you Are – Panache Desai

The essence of you is love. Your mission this lifetime is so much greater than giving love or receiving love. You are on this Earth to BE LOVE.Before you can receive love or truly love anyone else you must fully embrace and deeply love yourself.It is impossible to ascend to the highest vibration and fulfill your destiny if you are moving through life on empty. Being enlightened is no longer enough.

What Would Gandhi Do – Pummy Kaur

What Would Gandhi Do – Pummy Kaur

Her extensive studies include science, religion, mathematics, psychology, global issues, metaphysics, spirituality, philosophy, creativity, and education. Kaur is a cultural creative, an educator, author, social justice activist, international speaker, dancer, a single mother of three, and a community leader who has also dabbled in radio, T.V., the art world, politics, and journalism, receiving numerous recognition for her work in various fields.

Mediumship – Connecting to the Other Side

The ability to communicate with our deceased loved ones can bring great clarity, healing, guidance and support, and can also reassure and comfort the spirits involved. Mediumship skills and knowledge can be a gift for lost souls who are lingering on earth

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2011

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2011

Indigenous Leaders, ethnobotanists, Amazonian healers and medical researchers in the field of entheogenic healing from around the globe will meet to speak, hold forums, panels and share their wisdom @ UBC. The event looks at traditional psychoactive plant medicines, spirituality, shamanism and rites of passage- what their relevance is to our times and how they might be able to help our communities.

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