Join Marc L Caron and Stephen Gray as they speak with Zoe Helene, an artist and cultural activist best known for coining and popularizing the term Psychedelic Feminism and founding the environmental feminism group Cosmic Sister. She believes a true balance of power across the gender spectrum—globally—is the only way humans (and non-humans) will survive, and […]
Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as they speak with Ananda Bosman, a Visionary, Cosmologist, Semantic Artist, International Researcher & as an Award-winning Musician the Founder of the 432Hz popular & electronic music movement during the 1990’s. Listen in as Ananda will share how a Near Death Experience in his teens catapulted him into […]
Join Tasha and Marc as they discuss and review some of the great films currently playing at VIFF – The Vancouver International Film Festival. Now till Oct 11th, 2019! Some of the films they will discuss include: The Great Green Wall The Great Green Wall is an African-led movement with an epic ambition to […]
Join Tasha Simms as she speaks with Human Nature producers Sarah Goodwin and Elliot Kirschner. Human Nature is a provocative exploration of one of the most significant scientific breakthroughs in history. The discovery of CRISPR has made it possible to manipulate human DNA, paving the path to a future of great possibilities. The implications of […]
In this episode of CLR, join Marc L Caron as he speaks with a group from Adler University: Bradley O’Hara, Ph.D. Executive Dean, Vancouver Campus, Udo Erasmus, Vancouver entrepreneur, best-selling author, nutritionist and speaker, and Adler University Vancouver alumnus, and students Christian Filice and Meghan Robinson Adler University is a nonprofit, interdisciplinary institution that educates […]
Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron for this episode of CLR, where we speak with speaker and international transformational retreat facilitator, Deidre Sirianni. Deidre is an activator for truth, human awakening and global impact entrepreneurship. Her work dissolves the illusions that are pulling you out of alignment with your higher purpose and from living it […]
Join Tasha and Marc as they speak with Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus in Biochemistry and Basic Medical Science from Washington State University about %G Wifi Is it a Technical Dream or Prophetic Nightmare? Dangers of 5G WiFi Due to regulatory loop-holes, telecom providers continue to install hundreds of small cell WiFi antennae on utility poles […]
Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as we discuss “How to Find Your Voice, Speak Your Truth and Listen Deeply” with author Oren Jay sofer Oren about his new book Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, a practical guidebook for having more effective, satisfying conversations. Since the early 2000s, Oren […]
In this episode of CLR, Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron speak with Meir Schneider, a globally respected educator and therapist who developed an unique method combining therapeutic massage, movement and exercises for the prevention and rehabilitation from degenerative conditions. Born with cataracts, Meir Schneider overcame his blindness with eye exercises. He now reads, writes, drives and holds an unrestricted driver’s […]
Join Tasha and Marc as they speak with Wendy Cobina Demos, creator of the 2nd annual Sacred Sexual Music Festival, where songs, chants, arts, & info are brought together so we can all celebrate our juicy, innocent, life force energy. We will also have Jaitara, one of the presenters , sharing her offering for the […]