Changing ones vibration in these times of change and reading Ackashic Records – Asolaria Liberalis

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Asolaria Liberalis is an ackashic researcher, healing arts practitioner (past life regression, emotional healing and soul retrieval), she is an artist and has been painting angels since she was little.
Asolaria has been conducting extensive research since year 2000 within the ackashic records. When she was in China something happened to her right on the brink of the new year 2000. She found that her body was perfectly aligned and was able to read ackashic records.  Since then she has been studying patterns, evolution and the human system. She encourages everyone to learn how to read ackashic records through a simple technique called kinesiology or muscle testing because the physical body has the information of our past and the universe itself. The higher self has the greater truth and can also be consulted through kinesiology or muscle testing. We can come up with many solutions as a race in these times of global change.

She mentions that the information she found is very interesting. She shares information that can help this civilization come to a new level of sustainability by recognizing some of the information that is prevalent in our DNA. Her research confirms that the DNA/brain has been altered from its original divine intent in human beings and animals from a nonbenevolent alien race. She suggests according to her research the alterations that were made on the DNA are aging, disease, dysfunction, subservience to a monetary system and using less than 10% of brainpower. The DNA/brain alterations also makes us comply on an energetic level to non benevolent leaders to create war and an unintegral social system. Even if we do not vote and have found a peaceful life, we still comply on an energetic level because the DNA has been altered.

She also suggests that crystal children can have some solutions in these times of global changes because they come from benevolent systems and know of better social systems. According to her research crystal children are young and old and are not just coming in. They are being recognized right now in this time of evolution, yet it is nothing new. You might be a crystal child; the qualities are not being able to comply with oppressive circumstances, wanting to change the system for the better all the time, wanting to help this civilization in some special way. Asolaria has invented a crystal bracelet that has fifth dimensional vibrations that is called “Aliberalis bracelets” with the help of the angels in order to deactivate the alterations of the DNA/brain. The bracelet does more they can clear belief systems and diseases. After wearing the bracelet for two months a person is no longer altered in the DNA (it is the first stage) and is no longer a partner with non benevolent leaders. Aging and predisposed diseases are also deactivated. Through kinesiology one can detect this information to be true.

More information can be found on her website: click on Aliberalis Sanctuary and then click on fifth dimensional crystals then Aliberalis bracelets. Her new website that will present a sustainable social system is called (it will be up in about two months from November 2009)


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