Crop Circles, Jung & the Reemergence of the Archetypal Feminine – Gary S. Bobroff

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Crop Circles, Jung & the Reemergence of the Archetypal Feminine

To be released in August 2014 and will be distributed by Random House:


Sparked by their curiosity, thousands of people have contributed to the study of Crop Circles around the world.  Individuals throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, the United States and elsewhere have given their time freely to the documentation of this phenomenon.  They have measured, marked, photographed, and taken the samples that constitute an abundant archive of data from which we may now seek to draw our own conclusions.  As a researcher, I have been delighted to discover the wealth of materials on the physical science and mythological context of the Crop Circle phenomenon that they have collected.   My contribution is consequently built upon the product of their efforts.


Karen McGregor G. S. Bobroff has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a Master’s degree in Jungian-oriented Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute of Santa Barbara, California. He is an author, speaker and workshop leader and Jungian-oriented psychotherapist in private practice with clients worldwide.  He specializes in Archetypal Coaching, ending toxic relationships, and listening to the whispers of psyche in dream, sign and symbol.



Upcoming Events:

Crop Circles, Jung & the Reemergence of the Archetypal Feminine
6 part Live Interactive Video Course:
Starting Sunday, January 19th , 2014
For more information click below
More Info and to Register

He is hosting a six-part live interactive video symposium on this topic featuring very special guests Andrew Harvey, Suzanne Taylor, Andy Thomas, Jazz Rasool, Art of Sacred Geometry and Nina Elshof.

This course is your chance to follow your crop circle inquiry further than you’ve ever gone before and ask your questions directly to our expert presenters. 

As we explore deeper into the symbolic nature of crop circles, you’ll be able to share your reactions to this cutting edge material through the session’s chat feature. Together we’ll learn how to discover repressed, feminine aspects of ourselves reflected back in the history of this enigmatic phenomenon.

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