Evolutionary Enlightenment – Andrew Cohen and Bruce Sanguin

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Andrew Cohen is a spiritual teacher, bestselling author, and founder of the global nonprofit EnlightenNext and its award – winning publication, EnlightenNext magazine. His original teaching of Evolutionary Enlightenment redefines spiritual awakening within the context of cosmic evolution and highlights a new understanding of God or Spirit as the creative impulse toward change in both self and culture. After a transformative meeting with the renowned Indian Advaita Vedanta master H.W.L. Poonja in 1986, Cohen began teaching internationally and almost immediately started reshaping the larger cultural conversation about the purpose and significance of enlightenment in our time.

Andrew’s work has brought the timeless depth of enlightened wisdom into the twenty-first century and significantly redirected its purpose and promise – calling not for transcendence of worldly attachment, but for a deep and heroic responsibility for the evolution of the world. His bestselling book, Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening is the product of his 25 years of spiritual teaching and since its publication in September, 2011, it has already garnered praise from some of today’s leading spiritual and cultural figures as one of the most important spiritual works of our time. Andrew lives and works at the EnlightenNext headquarters in Western Massachusetts and spends much of his time travelling around the world giving retreats, seminars, and public talks about Evolutionary Enlightenment.

Blog: http://www.andrewcohen.com/

More about EnlightenNext Magazine

The Reverend Bruce Sanguin is the minster of Canadian Memorial United Church and Centre for Peace in Vancouver, B.C. He teaches evolutionary theology and practice throughout North America and Australia. Bruce is passionate about updating the theology and practice of the church light of the reality of evolutionary processes and the creative impulse of the universe.

He is the author of five books, the latest of which is The Advance of Love, which is a series of reflections on the Christian scriptures through the lens of evolutionary spirituality.  Bruce posts regularly on his website

Blog: http://brucesanguin.com/

Saturday November 17, 2012
Canadian Memorial United Church
1825 W. 16th Avenue, Vancouver, BC


For twenty-six years, Andrew Cohen has been redefining spiritual awakening for our contemporary world. During this seminar, Andrew will guide you through an in-depth exploration of his original spiritual path, practice, and philosophy, which he calls Evolutionary Enlightenment.
The essential message of Evolutionary Enlightenment is simple, yet profound: Life is evolution, and enlightenment is about waking up to this fundamentally creative impulse as your own deepest, most authentic self. Cohen defines this essential spiritual impulse as nothing less than the powerful force of creativity that has been driving the evolution of the universe since the Big Bang nearly 14 billion years ago. By engaging with Cohen, you will learn how to access this spiritual force within yourself and experience directly the powerful and deeply rational – teachings of Evolutionary Enlightenment.

During this seminar you will:
•    Discover a completely new approach to spiritual awakening that is relevant to our fast-paced, rapidly evolving world.
•    Learn to locate a limitless source of inspiration within your own self and start to make choices that will allow you to consistently express your inherent potential.
•    Understand how participating in the process of change can be a powerfully transformational spiritual practice.
•    Discover a unique perspective on how your own development can contribute to the evolution of the whole.
•    Engage directly with Andrew Cohen through question-and-answer sessions.

LUNCH:  A vegan raw buffet lunch will be provided for pre-registered guests and volunteers.

TICKETS:  Seminar, including lunch (Adult/Student): $100 / $85

In preparation for the seminar, we recommend that you read Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening, his newly published book on sale now at Banyen Books for 15% off regular price.  Alternatively you will be able to purchase a book after the seminar and get it personally signed by Andrew Cohen.

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