Finding Your Other Half – Declan Kerr

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Declan Kerr is a fulltime writer and healer pursuing an interest in how we find ourselves. If we accept that there is so much more to us than meets the eye and much of our identity is based around our physical senses then how do we see, how can we know, and how do we enjoy all the invisible stuff?

In his third book to date Declan explores these themes in Finding Your Other Half  – and the glorious and fabulous transformation that happens in our lives when we bring all of our invisible wonder and merge it with all we know of our physical being.

Having found a new and wonderful awareness of ourselves intimate and loving relationships can be experienced quite differently, because we’re no longer looking to another person to fill the gaps or somehow make things right. We can enjoy another for who they are and take a fresh look at things like trust, power, balance and equality in relationships.

Finally the book covers the finding of everyone else, and the current transformations taking place as we evolve to a new state of connection and awareness between ourselves and a new relationship with our beautiful planet.

Declan is over from the UK to promote this book, and as well as this Wednesday’s radio show is offering a mini-workshop in which you can experience the finding of yourself, the experience of merging the visible and invisible, and the experience of how it feels to bring the qualities you desire into your loving relationships.

Finding Your Other Half workshop – Declan Kerr

November 22nd,  8.30 PM – 10.30 PM

Eternal Abundance – 1025 Commercial Drive

$25 + HST in advance or $30 at the door

Organic cookie and tea included

Eternal Abundance is an Organic Produce
Store and Vegan Raw Food Cafe,
come at 7.30 PM to meet interestingpeople before the event, do some shopping & get nourishing dinner or dessert and get 10% discount!



Finding Your Other Half is about spirituality and relationships. The central idea is that when we decide to find ourselves then intimate and loving relationships change dramatically because we’re not looking for someone else to make us feel good about ourselves or fill the gaps. Finding ourselves is mostly relaxing about who we are – we’re already here after all – it’s just that we decide to see ourselves. Once we relax about ourselves then relationships change – we can enjoy someone else for all the wonderful stuff. 

Doesn’t matter if you are in a relationship or desire one. Having found yourself, relationships can be taken to a whole new level.

In this mini-workshop, you will be invited to see how it feels to :
• Be aware of there being more of you: and then how it feels to connect and integrate the energy of yourself as a physical being with the energy of yourself as a spiritual being
• Recognize how it feels to be supported in the balance of physical and spiritual, so that you can choose to live this way from this moment on
• Decide what qualities you would most like to experience in your existing relationship or what you would like to experience with a compatible partner
• Bring these qualities into your life so that your experience of intimate and loving relationships can change from this moment on

For further details about Finding Your Other Half see and about Declan and his work


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