Jay Schwed & Sound Healing

In Vancouver, BC Tune in every Wednesday 6 – 7 PM to CFRO – 100.5 FM

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Jay Schwed – Our body is a musical instrument, when the instrument is not tuned properly a state of dis-ease or imbalance occurs’

Each cell in our body is genetically programmed to maintain its own health and well-being. During the course of our life many environmental factors interfere with this state.
Jay says: ‘My vision and intention is to open the ‘high heart’that connects us all together as one, again. It is my desire to learn how to give to and receive love from all of my brothers and sisters.’ Come join us to restore, replenish and open to the divine spirits that hold us on this journey!

The high heart is the one heart that connects all hearts to the one, to spirit, to God. This chakra is commonly referred to as the Thymus gland or the center for the immunity system. It has been scientifically established that each of these chakras or energy centers are associated with a musical note or vibrational frequency. 

About Jay: In 1994, inspired by another Esalen workshop, he bought his first set of ‘singing’ Crystal Bowls. In the following years he has taught himself how to play. In 1995 Jay was trained as a Reiki Master and has been training many in this technique.  In 1997 Jay added to his skills by attending a 750- hour training program in hypnotherapy.

 During the last 5 years Jay has been travelling throughout the United States giving performances, leading workshops and giving private sessions at nursing homes, healing centers, New Thought churches, yoga studios, recovery centers and a variety of other locations as he assists in raising the planets vibrational frequencies. He has performed at such notable places as The Deepok Chopra Center, The Edgar Cayce Center, A.R.E. , The Agape Cultural Center,  and The Believe Center.

Follow Up Event: Friday, April 1
15$ in Advance, 20$ at the door for more info call Ashley: 604-644-4447
3574 W 4th Ave *Bring your own cushion!*

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