Relationship with fathers in world’s literature, Andre Gerard

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Born a twin in 1953, son of a German mother and a Belgian father, he grew up far from Wurzburg and from Liege, among the forests and lakes of the coastal pulp and paper town of Powell River, B.C. Lover of endives and sauerkraut, lebkuchen and rice pie, Andre Gerard (Editor and Publisher) has an MA in English Literature from the University of Washington and over twenty-five years of private tutoring experience.

As for the skills required to manage the constant chaos associated with publishing, Andre credits marathon running with building stamina, discipline and toughness: bird banding with sharpening curiousity and a sense of adventure; and lengthy stints as a Postal Production Planning and Quality Assurance Officer and, later, as a Fish Processing Plant Manager with teaching him practical business skills. His favourite refrain is Melville’s “Oh, Time, Strength, Cash and Patience.”

Notes from Andre Gerard author of Fathers: A Literary Anthology – The idea for this anthology came to me some five years ago, and although I tried to resist, the idea would not go away. I am, after all, the father of two teenage children, and some of my thoughts were forged in the fiery smithy of experience. Part of the impetus, too, came from seeing how “astronaut kids,” children with fathers half a world away, responded to reading personal essays and poems about fathers. A gift for all my children, biological and emotional, this anthology was compiled as an act of affirmation. Despite being an agnostic—one who lacks the certainty to be an atheist—I believe passionately in the power of friendship, loving-kindness and literature to give meaning to our lives.

Fathers: A Literary anthology is a literary treasure trove. Wise and wonderfully varied essays and poems by five Nobel laureates and by writers such as Margaret Atwood, Alan Bennet, Angela Carter, Virginia Woolf and Franz Kafka also make Fathers a powerful self-help manual for all children trying to understand and improve their relationships with their fathers. As well, the inspired musings in this collection will help all fathers—fathers young and fathers old—better appreciate the complexities of their role and the rich rewards it offers.


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