Sex, Money and Power, The 3 Vices or Liberators – Depends on You and Your Charge

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Sex has with it a whole realm of beauty, pleasure and connection.

Or it can be a burden-filled hot bed of strife, shame, inadequacy and ethical land mines.Money has with it the capacity to fully explore life, magnify joyous adventure and give the safeness of security.

Or it can be the ruin of fulfillment, the struggle of getting ahead, the shallowness and fear of accumulation.

Power has with it the force to uplift oneself and others, the power to move beyond previously held limits, the benevolence to actively participate in making a positive difference.

Or it can be the toppling of glorious wins, the self inflamed persona needing attention and acceptance turned volatile, the climbing of the ladder realizing it’s up against the wrong wall.

These essential 3 – Sex, Power and Money have their bright and dark sides and we all are on the journey to master these in this day and time.

The trick is to avoid the pitfalls that turn them into vices and cleave to the consciousness that leads to these 3 Life Essentials as Liberators, actually becoming freer to Live with Passion, Live Freely and Embody Love for real.

In this interview Satyen and Suzanne Raja bare it all and dive deeply into Sex, Power and Money and share with you their new discovery of how to dissolve the suffering and problems that keep Sex, Power and Money from blooming into their deepest beauty.

Satyen and Suzanne Raja have discovered, and are one of the world’s main proponents of, a radically new method that goes to the heart and soul of one’s problems with Sex, Power and Money and dissolves these disharmonies totally, so that all that is left is peace and a keen sense of clear direction and tranquility.

This simple to learn, yet remarkably thorough and effective method is based on all the good gains made in therapy, personal growth and spiritual realization these last 30 years, and takes it all to a whole new level in effectiveness and power.

Introduction to Harmony IntegrationWednesday, June 26

7:00 PM to 10:00 PM  Doors open at 6:30PM

Centre for Peace 1825 W 16th Ave  Vancouver, BC V6J 2M4

This is for you to attend if you are a healer, therapist, helper of others or wish to make permanent shifts upward with ease and simplicity.

Satyen and Suzanne are no lightweights. They are masters in numerous human potential methodologies, and are bringing out their big guns for this event.

They will demonstrate first hand with audience members how deep seated Sex, Money and Power issues can be healed in such a short time.

Bring your friends as this will be powerful, enlightening as well as entertaining, as Satyen and Suzanne love evoking laughter and shaking things up 😉

Tickets only $20 online or $25 at the door (Includes Organic Tea and Organic Cookie from Eternal Abundance)
Buy Tickets Here – Use code RADIO to save $10