SOUL SEX – Jenny Ferry

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Jenny Ferry is a leader in the emerging field of conscious sexuality and author of the forthcoming book, Soul Sex: Creating the Conscious Connection You Crave. Based out of Boulder, Colorado, Jenny speaks + leads workshops throughout the U.S. and Canada and coaches clients across the globe. A former administrator and instructor at the University of Arizona, Jenny has teamed up with a creative team of leaders collaborating on a non-profit consciousness project, called Celebrate You, that will be launching at hundreds of college campuses in the U.S. and Canada this October. 
Jenny will be leading an Intro to Slow Sex and Orgasmic Meditation workshop here in Vancouver on Saturday, July 28 from 1-5pm. Spots are still open to join her then. Learn more and register at
You can learn more about Jenny at and more about Celebrate You at

 Did you know: how you show up in sex is how you show up in life? Yep. Totally true. What if you could bring mindfulness into every aspect of your daily life, live a life that’s in alignment with what you really want AND a life that is connected to your body?

 I’m not talking drive-by, jack-hammer sex. That’s like eating at McDonald’s regularly. It’s okay once in a while. But real nourishment comes from creating conscious connection and intimacy where your sexuality becomes a doorway to creating sustainable changes and thriving your life.

 I’m currently writing, Soul Sex: Creating the Conscious Connection You Crave (2013), and I’d love to support you by sharing the basic ingredients to cook up mindful relating + intimacy. You can create conscious connection with anyone, anywhere, anytime – if they’re willing to play. Adding sex is optional. <wink>

How Do I Create Conscious Connection?

 First of all, connection + intimacy are the essence of our human experience. We all want it. And if you’ve seen Brené  Brown’s TEDx talk: The Power of Vulnerability, you already know that. But what’s the secret sauce to diving deep? Just briefly, here’s the basic ingredients for cooking up conscious connection.

 Key Ingredients of SOUL SEX:

• Sovereign Self – be responsible for your own experience / listen + respond with curiosity, compassion + with a light heart.

• Safe – create emotional safety by asking for what you want / have a clean +  clear “yes” and “no”

• Simple – be present / relate in real time, not to your stories, ideas or expectations

• Sexy – follow your internal GPS: desire. It’s the truest compass you have.

• Sacred – attention is your super power. Mine each moment for gems.

• Service – give up transactional relating. Instead, create gift relationships through generosity, gratitude + appreciation.

• Sustainable – show up. Don’t check out. Namaste connected.

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