What is Burning Man?

What is Burning Man?

Once a year, tens of thousands of participants gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert to create Black Rock City, dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance.

Towards Eden – Zamir Dhanji

Towards Eden – Zamir Dhanji

Towards Eden is a progressive movement in the global music festival scene. This visionary collective has a mandate to create a true connection with the four natural elements in the most sustainable way possible.

Post Riot: What Now? – Tasha Simms

Post Riot: What Now? – Tasha Simms

Vancouver Riots – Who is responsible? Is this a call for punishment or forgiveness? And what are we called to stand for in the midst of such a painful day in Vancouver’s history. While so many feel helpless in the face of this situation we will talk ….

Teen Journey 2011

Teen Journey 2011

Teen Journey – A journey to the wisdom of the heart to find who we are

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated, loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet:

The Great Turning Un-Conference

The Great Turning Un-Conference

Join hundreds of change agents and 40 community leaders at The Great Turning Un-
Conference on Saturday April 30th to explore how we can create a sustainable future.
Now is a time of great change and opportunity. Joanna Macy called this time of transiti

Raw Milk: Health & Accessibility – Alice Jongerden

Raw Milk: Health & Accessibility – Alice Jongerden

Alice Jongerden, the founder and former operator of a 450-member Fresh Milk cowshare in Chilliwack, BC, has been under attack by the Fraser Health Authority since 2009. In March 2010, the Health Authority obtained an order preventing Ms. Jongerden from distributing Fresh Milk for human consumption.

2012 – Time for Change – Daniel Pinchbeck

2012 – Time for Change – Daniel Pinchbeck

In this unsparing tour of the perils and promises of the current era, visionary author Daniel Pinchbeck helps us understand that we don’t need to wait for the dawning of the next age to radically change our perspectives.

Sacred Activism with Andrew Harvey

Sacred Activism with Andrew Harvey

Sacred Activism & Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey is an Oxford scholar and visionary, believes that our survival depends on Sacred Activism, a fusion of profound mystical awareness, passion, clarity and sacred practice with wise, dedicated, radical action. This fusion, he warns, may be the sole key to preservation of man and nature.

Sacred Activism & Akasha Arts – Zamir Dhanji

Sacred Activism & Akasha Arts – Zamir Dhanji

Akasha Arts seeks to bind the sacred web of tradition and modernity through the arts. Viewing art as a form of action in the world, Akasha creates events and performances inspire us to live passionately, creatively, and to have fun while creating fulfillment. Akasha accomplishes it’s objective through cultural celebrations that bridge traditional and modern art forms, local non-profit organizations with the public, and our personal dreams with collective aspirations. Each event opens with a ritual that unites the individual with the group consciousness, helping create a tone for the evening that encourages connection.

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