Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they speak with Matthew McKay, Ph.D. Dr. McKay is aclinicalpsychologist, professor of psychology at the Wright Institute, cofounder of Haight Ashbury Psychological Services, founder of the Berkeley CBT Clinic, and cofounder of the Bay Area Trauma Recovery Clinic, which serves low-income clients. He has authored and coauthored more than 40 books, including The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook and Seeking Jordan. The publisher of New Harbinger Publications, he lives in Berkeley, […]
Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as they discuss the question “Who are you during Covid-19_21)?” One year ago we unpacked what actions from the viral post of “Growth Zone” look like. Now, one year later, we are all moving forward? Who would have thought we would still be living in such a new […]
Join Stephen Gray and Marc Caron as they speak with world-renowned expert on the medicinal, edible, environmental and spiritual uses and benefits of mushrooms., Paul Stamets. Paul is one of the featured speakers at this years upcoming Virtual Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, Oct. 23-25, 2020. Listen in as we discuss the world of mushrooms, the […]
Join me, Marc Caron as I speak with Dr. Devon Christie, a family physician with a focused practice in Multidisciplinary Pain Management, working here in Vancouver at CHANGEpain Clinic. Devon is also a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, with training in Relational Somatic Therapy for trauma resolution. Listen in as we talk about Innovations in Healhcare that […]
Live and in person with Erai Beckmann!! Join me as I speak with Erai once again to follow up on our last interview (found here: discuss his most recent podcast about the rescue of 35000 children and what is going on that the rest of the world doesn’t seem to know about. Erai is […]
Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they speak with Teal Swan, international speaker, author of six internationally published books, the creator of hundreds of frequency paintings, as well as the popular “Ask Teal” YouTube series. In this episode we discuss Teals new oracle cards “the Blind Spot” as well as her take on what’s […]
Join Tasha Simms as she takes a conscious exploration on the topic of anger with Alistair Moes, the founder of Moose Anger Management. Anger isn’t a good or bad thing, but as with any emotion, we can do something good or bad with it. IIn this episode we will discuss the many things that exist […]
In this episode of CLR Stephen Gray and I Speak with Michael Stuart Ani a student of plant wisdom for almost fifty years. As a young man, the Lakota sage, John Fire Lame Deer, guided him through his first peyote ceremony and then sent him south to Mexico in search of the steps of the […]
Join Tasha Simms as she speaks with author and sex educator, Julie Archambault about her new book – “Sex Up Your Life – The Mind-Blowing Path of True Intimacy, Healing, and Hope”. Listen in as they talk about sex on the Continuum of Connection and the path from disconnect to blissful connection, and all that […]
Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as we speak with Mona Ling Leung, a hairdresser with 27 years in the business, about her global journey to bring more mindfulness and holistic methods into the hair and beauty industry—taking it beyond vanity. Beyond Vanity is a feature documentary that follows Mona Ling Leung, a […]