Healing with Sound and Breath – Richard Hahn and Jerry DesVoignes

Healing with Sound and Breath – Richard Hahn and Jerry DesVoignes

Growing up in BC, I started to accelerate my own personal development around 1999. The reality was, I wanted something different than what I currently was living and knew that involved making changes. I did not fully know how to create that change or where to start but it started with a decision, some courage, and then the act of taking a step! Take one step and the next bridge appears.

TAO of SOUND HEALING – Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld

TAO of SOUND HEALING – Fabien Maman and Terres Unsoeld

Fabien Maman, the founding father of vibrational sound healing, will present his revolutionary color slides documenting the profound impact acoustic sound has in balancing and harmonizing our subtle energy fields, chakras, and physical bodies.

Healing Sounds and Sound Journeys with Laurel Murphy

Healing Sounds and Sound Journeys with Laurel Murphy

Research has shown that sound vibrations penetrate the body down to our DNA, affecting cells, immune function, emotions, mind and spirit. Find out what happens when this is combined with atmospheric instruments, live looping, vocal harmonies and healing.

Reconnective Healing – Christine Upchurch

Reconnective Healing – Christine Upchurch

Christine Upchurch, M.S., was headed to what she terms “a sensible career on a sensible path.” That would ultimately mean designing and analyzing clinical trials in cancer research for one of the nation’s leading cancer centers. But something happened along the way to that stellar career at the top of her field. She became a cancer statistic herself

Why I Cancelled My Health Insurance – Agneta Dyck

Why I Cancelled My Health Insurance – Agneta Dyck

In an aging society, and one in which health-care programs are eating up ever larger segments of the fiscal pie, alternatives to traditional care are badly needed. Teaching individuals to take some responsibility for their own health, and reduce the stres

Jay Schwed & Sound Healing

Jay Schwed & Sound Healing

Our body is a musical instrument, when the instrument is not tuned properly a state of dis-ease or imbalance occurs’

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