Health & Ayurveda with Jaisri Lambert

Health & Ayurveda with Jaisri Lambert

This show will deepen your understanding of Ayurvedic lifestyle, dietary, relationship and spiritual principles. With a focus on family health through individual balance, this discussion will inspire and delight you with the ever-fresh knowledge of the ancient Science of all of Life.

Intention Focussed Therapy with Loretta Mohl

Intention Focussed Therapy with Loretta Mohl

Loretta is an international teacher and a pioneer in the Healing Arts field. For over two decades she has been leading the way in Soul, Mind, & Body energy medicine. Loretta is the founder of Intention Focused Therapy™ and the Canadian College of Healing Arts.

The Way of Radical Business with Tad Hargrave

The Way of Radical Business with Tad Hargrave

Are you a local business owner that just plain cares deeply about your community, nature and social justice? (maybe you run a Yoga Studio, Eco-Friendly House Cleaning company, an Organic Farm, a local Theater Company, a Fitness Studio, a comfy, little locally owned Bookstore, a groovy local Restaurant, an Eco-Store, a Pottery shop or a Natural Health-Food Stores etc.

The Keys to Total Healing – Nelie Johnson

The Keys to Total Healing – Nelie Johnson

Awareness Heals (Keys to Total Healing) provides you with the tools and insight-based processes to uncover the mental and emotional blocks that hold you in your story. In releasing those blocks you tap into your natural healing power whether to heal, add greatly to the effect of medical and other treatments, or improve your overall health and well-being.

A Multi-Faceted Woman – Kareen Zebroff

A Multi-Faceted Woman – Kareen Zebroff

A Multi-Faceted Woman – Kareen Zebroff believes in conquering many medium-large mountains, rather than just one high (nearly unattainable) one. Fans and lecture audiences have urged her for years to share with individuals, in her own offices, the wide-spectrum knowledge she has acquired during the last 40 years through her various studies in Health and the Mind-Body Connection (based on GNM), her varied life-experience, and her intuitive talents.

Food is not the Problem: Deal with what is! With Michelle Morand

Food is not the Problem: Deal with what is! With Michelle Morand

If you or someone you know struggles with a stressful relationship with food, the question “Why can’t I just stop!?” has probably come up. It is very frustrating to have a pattern of behaviour that you know doesn’t serve you and yet be unable to stop it for any consistent length of time.

The Harmony Experience – Michael Greenstein

The Harmony Experience – Michael Greenstein

Something magical happens in our life when all of our being is actively present and united in a common purpose. Our stress levels go down, conflicts are more easily resolved, and we are better able to handle the pain and challenges of daily life.

Reconnective Healing – Christine Upchurch

Reconnective Healing – Christine Upchurch

Christine is one of only 3 people in the world beside Reconnective Healing founder Dr. Eric Pearl, teaching this remarkable skill to others. She travels the world educating people about Reconnective Healing and teaching them how to apply it to heal others