Join Rebecca Cheung & Lee-Ann Frances Bates in a discussion about love, sensuality and creating fulfilling relationships. Rebecca Cheung is a Strategic Intervention Coach who helps people become aware of their negative behaviour patterns and helps replace them with positive ones so that they achieve the results they want in their life. She specializes in […]
Richard Arsic has spent much of his life learning… learning how to undo life’s biggest wounds, learning to embrace all the pieces of himself that he had rejected. After years as a Controls Engineer, Richard, finally realized it was time to give up control and surrender to life. In order to do that he […]
Why do we keep secrets that we know are damaging? What makes us believe that not speaking up is safer? Is there a pattern underlying how we deal with and respond to traumatic events? Jill Prescott, Spiritual BadAss believes keeping secrets creates a life of unnecessary suffering and has written a book to walk you […]
Melissa Mackey is an award winning Motivational Speaker who loves to light the room with her infectious energy and intense connection. She inspires others to take action in their life and is committed to helping others discover their super powers that already exist within themselves. She educates and empowers students & entrepreneurs to tap into […]