Anya Petrovic, the founder of Tesla Metamorphosis®, and author of the book Tesla Metamorphosis: Heal & Evolve, is in Vancouver for a series of events, including free presentations and seminars in this amazing modality. Now, we will have an opportunity to learn more about Tesla Metamorphosis and Anya’s book. Unique for this method of healing […]
Catalina Mesa was born and raised in Colombia. While completing her high school studies there she trained in classical ballet and modern dance at the Silvia Rolls Academy and the Claudia Cadena Academy, respectively. After finishing high school, she travelled to Boston, where she earned a diploma in Management and Communications from Boston College. […]
Tune in Wednesday October 19th at 6:00 PM PST to hear Robyn speak about why Cannabis is a Superfood As laws around the world are relaxed and prohibition comes to an end, cannabis is emerging as a medicinal superfood with exponential possibilities for healing. But challenges remain. Because the industry is still largely unregulated, consumers […]
Alex Rogers is co-owner of Marijuana Politics. He is an experienced cannabis law reform advocate, getting his start in the 1990s under the tutelage of legendary activist Jack Herer. Alex is also CEO of Ashland Alternative Health, and Northwest Alternative Health, medical cannabis clinics that help register patients with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. Additionally, […]
Tune in Wednesday October 12th at 6:00 PM PST to hear Tom speak about How Folk Religion, Psychedelics, Misogyny, and Church fears created the popular image of the “Evil” Witch. During medieval times, certain wise-women worshipped specifically female deities held over from the days of Ancient Rome by ingesting psychoactive substances that put them into […]
With a keen focus on the intersection of cinema and music, the work of director Tristan Cook traverses traditional and experimental film techniques in order to unpack the human need to communicate through emotion, art, sound. A veteran in the performing arts field, he has collaborated extensively with such artists and organizations as the Emerson […]
Thirty years ago, Sadhguru established Isha Foundation, a non-religious, non-profit, volunteer-run organization with the objective of creating human well-being in all aspects, in particular to raise human consciousness and foster global harmony through individual transformation. Since then, Sadhguru’s work to uplift humanity has reached millions worldwide with a primary centres in India and in Tennessee […]
Why do we keep secrets that we know are damaging? What makes us believe that not speaking up is safer? Is there a pattern underlying how we deal with and respond to traumatic events? Jill Prescott, Spiritual BadAss believes keeping secrets creates a life of unnecessary suffering and has written a book to walk you […]
What are we all trying to heal? When we ask this question it points to a doorway into ourselves. This doorway through the heart has all the answers we need. However, the heart within each one of us has been slowly dying…the less we listen to the wisdom of the heart, the more we suffer. […]
Are you ready to create the life you truly want? A life where you are passionate, happy and successful in what you do. A life where you feel peaceful and engaged with the people you love. A life where you attract and keep healthy vibrant relationships. A life you truly love and that feeds your […]