CrowdFunding for ChangeMakers – Mirey Faema & Little Woo

CrowdFunding for ChangeMakers – Mirey Faema & Little Woo

When utilized correctly crowdfunding platforms provide the perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs to launch new products, fund innovative ideas and develop a global community in support of their business. Mirey Faema and Little Woo will be discussing with us the tools and strategies needed to plan, launch, and execute a successful crowdfunding campaign from their areas […]

What’s in store for us in 2017? Astrologer – Rose Marcus

What’s in store for us in 2017?  Astrologer – Rose Marcus

  ROSE MARCUS – Evolutionary Astrologer/Teacher, ISAR CAP (Certified Astrology Professional) Author, Clairvoyant & Tarot Reader, Astrologer for the Georgia Straight Newspaper, Vancouver More information –   To set an appointment – Vancouver based Rose Marcus is internationally recognized for her work in Evolutionary Astrology, a specialty branch of astrology that studies the birth-chart […]

Sex & Drugs in the Eleusinian Mysteries – Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D

Sex & Drugs in the Eleusinian Mysteries – Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D

The Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece, held at the fall time of year, were a remarkable event in which thousands were spiritually initiated in a profound underworld journey. In this conversation, author Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., talks about what she thinks really went on during these rites. Her well-founded theory explores how entheogens/psychedelics most likely facilitated […]

The Power of Peace & Connection – Lee-Ann Frances Bates

The Power of Peace & Connection – Lee-Ann Frances Bates

Lee-Ann Frances Bates is a speaker, consultant and expert in personal growth, specializing in the fields of Relationships, Intimacy and Conscious Communication. SoulTalks is her passion project and part of her SoulLed purpose to facilitate and awaken within millions of people, greater peace, leadership and abundance. Through Inner Awakenings, which is her private practice, she […]

Jamie Shaw- Cannabis in the spotlight

Jamie Shaw- Cannabis in the spotlight

Jamie Shaw is both a former Director, and former staff of the BC Compassion Club Society (BCCCS), where her work was comprised of various roles including communications beginning in 2012. Jamie has also served three terms on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD), two and a half of those […]

Paul Tylla – Discovering ones purpose to create a legacy of stewardship

Paul Tylla – Discovering ones purpose to create a legacy of stewardship   Paul Tylla  is a man helping others create measurable joy through the power of their choices and an evolution of beliefs. He is Co-owner, facilitator, and coach of the Meaningful Business Alliance. Co-Founder of Its your life Coaching and creator of the Supernova process and the giving loop business model and is also […]

When hard work becomes Heart work – Sue Dumais

When hard work becomes Heart work – Sue Dumais Sue Dumais is a Heart Led Living Intuitive Coach, a best-selling Author, an International Speaker, and a gifted Intuitive Healer who helps others see the invisible, feel the intangible, and do the impossible. Sue brings the gift of insight, awareness, and self-empowerment to her audiences. Her Heart Led Living Foundation was created to raise […]